
Re-Balance Body, Mind & Soul on the White Isle  

Are you feeling tired? Stressed? Or perhaps over-worked? Even during the Summer months we can over stretch ourselves with busy social schedules, keeping up with friends and family and all the while staying on track with work colleagues, and business meetings. Our to-do and to-see lists seem to get longer and longer, in line with the daylight! 

What better way to put all this aside and take time out for you? To offer yourself a good dose of self-care, love and nourishment? As yogi’s we know the best way to re-balance ourselves is through our yoga practice, taking time on the mat to restore a tired mind and body, which in turn allows us to reconnect deeply to our soul. 

So how about just a holiday, where you can go abroad, enjoy good food, wine, sight-seeing and the beach? Sure! We all love a holiday and this can often give us a sense of freedom, fun and change from our normal routine. The difference of joining a Yoga Retreat is that you can also allow time for YOU, and as a result make some serious changes to your daily life at home where you feel you need to refresh your approach. 

With the option of joining deeply relaxing and rejuvenating yoga classes everyday, eating fresh organic ethically sourced vegetarian and vegan cuisine daily, and learning more about how to manage your worries better, you gain not only a holiday in a beautiful, warm location but also a way for you to make changes to your daily routine to restore more balance, and joy every single day.

As a busy working Mum managing home, family, a growing toddler, business and friends is a tough task. But Yoga always gives me that sense of peace and stability when I find it gets too much. And this is ultimately why I wanted to offer this retreat to my students, and those who are in need of time out from the stresses of daily life. It was also my intention to work with another working Mum who knows and understands how difficult it can be, and who uses her own work to improve her sense of well-being. 

With great delight Dominique Antiglio friend and colleague said “yes” to joining my retreat in Ibiza this September, and as an expert in Sophrology and Author of her book ‘The Life-Changing Power of Sophrology’, we are blessed to have her joining this retreat. And I know you are all wondering what is ‘Sophrology?!”

Dominique personally showed me how the practice of Sophrology works, so that I could see if it will fit with the practice of Yoga. And as a Yoga Therapist I am very open to learning new techniques that can grow my teaching, and also give me insight into how other practices work. To my surprise the main tool that Sophorolgy works with is the breath. Which in yoga is more powerful than any movement, or yoga pose. Without the breath, we are not doing yoga! So for me this already had me intrigued. Then she worked with some interesting concepts around visualisations and intention setting, which again is something I am a fan of, and work with all my clients and students in this way, whether they realise this or not(!)

As a result of her 1-1 practice with me, it really did work! And the way in which she set the intention and used visualisation work to assist the process gave me confidence that that was how we would integrate the Sophrology into the retreat.  So I have all the evidence that I need for the Yoga and Sophrology to come together and she is joining us for the first two days to set intentions and work through the practice of Sophrology to make changes that you want to see, by the time you leave to go home.

It really is powerful stuff, and I could not be more excited to be teaching at such a beautiful place on one of my most favourite islands in the world, alongside a wonderful teacher and friend. Its not too late to join us and Ambika Yoga is currently offering a 10% discount for each person. I hope you can make it, as it is sure to be the highlight of your Summer in 2018.    

Alexa Kho-Hinkson
Founder, Ambika Yoga
Senior Yoga Teacher (SYT)


