New Year, New Yoga?! 

So we have all started 2015 with a bang including new years resolutions and setting brand new goals for this year. From changing or increasing our fitness routine, improving our diets and looking after ourselves (and each other) better, I hear you asking, ‘what does this mean for my Yoga?’ 

Do I need to change up my Yoga routine, or add more classes to my already busy schedule? Should I try out some new Yoga classes, like Acro Yoga, or Anti-Gravity Yoga? Or better still; Doga?! 

When students ask me if changing up their Yoga is something they ‘should’ do, I usually say ‘if it ‘aint broke, don’t fix it!’ . But, if you are looking to re-start or deepen your practice, or work towards specific asana’s that you feel an infinity with, then I would definitely advise adding to your weekly practice. Being able to develop your Yoga is something that I personally see as a real Gift. If you can dedicate time and energy to this, then you will surely be entering into a whole new journey of deep joy and inner strength. 

It takes a lot of courage to decide to take on more of anything that is good for you; usually because we will have less time for something that we may have been used to for a long while, or we have to ‘let go’ of something, or someone that is not good for us anymore. A New Year is such a perfect time to re-assess where we are now and where we would like to be, and I’m all for new intentions and learning new things! 

In fact, I decided at the end of last year that I would like to take up a regular Qi Gong practice in 2015, and similar to Yoga it brings more balance to the body, mind and spirit however it is an ancient martial art, and has been practiced for over 4,000 years. I will still be practicing Yoga regularly, but just learning something new which is always rewarding and helps us grow as individuals. 

And so, sometimes our innate curiosity just makes us try something new, perhaps because we want to see if what we are doing now is definitely right for us, or we just want a different perspective. And this is all okay! So if you do want to increase your practice there are many ways that you can do this; like starting a self practice, attending more classes, or adding a private class into your routine. You can also start attending Yoga Workshops where you will meet students like yourself, and take your practice even deeper. 

If you really want to immerse yourself you can also take yourself away on a retreat so that you can step away from life in the city for a while, and be served that nutritious vegetarian food that you have vowed to eat more of this year. Or even taking that big leap of faith to become a Yoga Teacher and start a whole new journey of teaching students, and giving all that you have learned through your own practice on the mat, to others who are inspired to learn the practice of Yoga.   

Whether you are a new practitioner who has just started their Yoga journey recently, or a long term yogi looking to work towards your favourite poses in 2015, or even become a Yoga Teacher yourself, then by investing time into this journey on the mat - I can guarantee you will not only meet like-minded people, but also have lots of fun on the way! Happy 2015 to you all and enjoy your year!!

Namaste x

Alexa Kho-Hinkson
Founder, Ambika Yoga
Manuka Ambasssador


