
Stay safe. Stay home....Stay sane.
During this time of lockdown we all hear the same words from people, which of course are true and important, but what about our sanity? The physical, yes, we need to be strong, stay fit, stay active. We need to support each other, our families, children, our parents, loved ones, even those abroad. Our whole world has become much smaller in a matter of days, weeks and now months. 
With the hum of news reports and daily briefings, I am personally loosing my sanity with the amount of numbers, graphs, death tolls and ‘science’ that we are required to be kept informed about! But really and truly the most simple and honest thing we can do right now at home, is stay sane. 
How can one do this, prevent catching COVID-19 or worst case, recover from the disease? I have been inspired to write about this having spoken to, and been in virtual contact with a number of friends, family and students who have caught the virus, and recovered, or in recovery. 
Passing on vital tips to stay healthy throughout this period is naturally something a yoga teacher wants to offer, but to have more knowledge about how to manage the virus ourselves at home, is invaluable to give you peace of mind of what you could be dealing with, and ultimately be prepared. 
Of course, this is not passing off as a cure or medical advice, but natural remedies that those who have recovered from COVID-19 have found effective. In addition, yogic breathing techniques I have prescribed and restorative yoga techniques to aid, and support recovery from the virus. In addition to this, Yoga Nidra for fatigue during the symptomatic stages: 
Yoga Nidra: This ancient yogic technique also know as “yogi sleep” is a practice that can restore energy in the body, mind and spirit and effectively manage symptoms such as headaches, fatigue and anxiety. Practiced lying down (on the mat, or bed) flat on your back in Savasana or relaxation pose with the eyes closed, or open if you suffer from severe anxiety. Visualisations, chakra work and white light work can be practiced to restore the body, renew and cleanse Samskaras (past life karma). Ambika Yoga will be posting Free online videos of the practice of Yoga Nidra, coming soon.
Pranayama + Breathing Technique’s: There are a number of breathing techniques that have been described as super supportive to manage the coronovirus respiratory disease, and these include simple deep yogic breathing techniques (with longer exhalations) which can also be practiced outside in fresh air away from others, to more specific ancient yogic pranayama that involves more controlled breathing:

- Nadi Sodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
- Kapalaphati (Breath of fire) 
Please note if you are new to these pranayama techniques, seek the advice of your yoga teacher, or contact us here at Ambika Yoga to set up a consultation to learn these techniques online, via Zoom. 
Restorative Yoga: Restorative yoga is a wonderful technique in the modern world to aid relaxation, restore energy and renew you from within. Practiced alongside active postures or simply alone passively, you can really help to aid your recovery from COVID-19.
Four simple restorative poses:

- Viparita Karani (Legs up the wall or chair/sofa/bed) 
- Supported Balasana (Childs pose)
- Savasana (Relaxation/corpse pose)
- Supported Downward-Facing Dog (use a bolster/pillows to support the forehead)
Meditation/Mindfulness: This can be practised lying down and not just seated if you are unwell, and are bedridden. A technique that can help in the early stages of the virus with the onset of symptoms to calm the mind, and stay positive. Also a great technique to encourage deep breathing and awareness of how your body is feeling, and responding. As well as an aid to follow symptoms, and during recovery. 
Raw onion, garlic and green chillies: Loosens mucus in the body during the onset of symptoms, as well as a part of your regular diet to strengthen the immune systems response. These can also be cooked, and hidden in salad dressings. 
Onions to bed(!): Sliced onions placed in some old socks before bed, and wearing them throughout the night. For children, you can place half an onion in the bedroom, at night. Alternatively, create an Onion poultice, slice onion and place it in a Muslin on the chest, the vapour can assist breathing and act to loosen the mucus in the chest. 
Cayenne pepper: A great spice to add to food and also honey and lemon drinks that are prepared throughout an episode, to fight off a stuffy nose/cold, coughs and lemon to increase natural vitamin c. You can also add cloves, and star anis. 
Sleep & Rest: Most importantly like any other virus, as much sleep and rest will aid your recovery, and restore your mind. Even taking naps if you need to in the day, and if you suffer from other conditions you may find that you need more of these, and practice restorative yoga for longer periods, to really get back to your old self again. We all have different recovery times, so just go with your own body, and don’t push yourself too soon. 

Baths: This has been a regular practice of self care that students have been describing as doing when having mild to moderate symptoms of COVID-19, or throughout recovery. Taking the time to relax in a warm or hot bath with natural salts and oils of your choice, can make a huge difference in aiding a good recovery.

Routine: If you are recovering and especially if living alone, keeping a routine so that you can keep a sense of stability in your day can be really helpful, as well as regular laughter via video link or from neighbours, at a safe distance from your window/doors.
Self Love 💖: We all need a bit more Self Love in our lives, crisis or no crisis, and as we are all required to do more during this time of self isolation, all of the above is definitely needed whether we have symptoms, or not. This can certainly manage our mental health and wellbeing and bring a restored sense of sanity, during a time when we have all had to make huge sacrifices to our lives, in a very short space of time. 
Be kind to yourself, and take the time everyday to check in with your thoughts and feelings, and don’t loose sight of those long term dreams, desires and hopes for the future…
With Love & Light to you all. 🌈🌟
Namaste. 🙏
Alexa Kho-Hinkson
Founder, Ambika Yoga 
Senior Yoga Teacher & Therapeutics Specialist
London, UK.

Please note that if you have severe symptoms of COVID-19 to seek Professional Medical Advice immediately by contacting NHS 111 online, or by phone for more urgent advice.
